Extension and Summer School Students Opt-in to g.harvard
DCE and Summer School Students use your HarvardKey to claim your g.harvard account
Step 1:
Log into HarvardKey: https://key.harvard.edu/
If you have not claimed your HarvardKey click here to find out how!
Step 2:
Go to the ‘Manage Your Account’ section of HarvardKey
From the Account Management page, click the Activate g.harvard Account> link
Step 3:
Confirm the email address presented:
Confirm the password (so we can create the account with it
Your new Google Email Information is displayed in the Account Information box with success message
Just a few more things:
Your g.harvard account naming configuration is NetID@g.harvard. It cannot be changed.
When you log into your Google Apps for Harvard account for the first time, you will be asked to accept the terms of service. Please review the terms of service carefully. To accept the terms of service and start using your account, click the "I accept. Continue to my account." button.
To get yourself started using Google Apps for Harvard, visit our Learning Center where you can find links to tutorials and more. Please note: We recommend forwarding your new g.harvard.edu email to your primary email address or vice versa. This will ensure that emails and document sharing notifications sent to your new account will be received in a timely manner. For more information on how to forward your email please click here.
Once your account is created, you may log in with your full @g.harvard.edu email address and your HarvardKey password by going to https://mail.google.com/. You may also use the access links on http://g.harvard.edu/.
You're done! Welcome to Google Apps for Harvard!